Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Is it really October?

I'm completely startled by the fact that it is October...OCTOBER! I seem to have entirely lost track of September, and the fact that we are still having weather similar to that of mid-summer I feel like the calender is lying to me. This does mean, however, that it's incredibly close to my first anniversary of living in Kosova, and also, that in approximately two and a half months I'll be travelling back to Northern Ireland to spend Christmas with my family..how exciting it'll be to see them again :)

So I figure while I'm here writing I should give a quick update (I'm luring you in with false information..I'm not good at 'quick' updates) on what has been going on. Where did I last leave off...summer camp? I think so.
Well, Megan went back to Ireland (my camp helper) to finish off her degree, and then shortly after I got myself another guest in the form of Carol, one of the most wonderful women I have ever encountered. She had lived here after the war and was back to visit her friends and I had the joy of hosting her, spending time with her and making a dear friend in her. I was sad to see her leave, but I have high hopes that we'll meet again.

I also received wonderful news that one of my closest Kosovar friends is pregnant (yaaaaayyyy!!) but since then she has had some complications and is currently on bed rest..so we need to be keeping her and her husband in our prayers.

I spent some time in Bulgaria last month with my adopted family, the Mann clan, and it was a wonderful time. I got to also go to the village in Vidrare (?! my knowledge of Bulgarian spelling is questionable) and spend time at the school celebrations and with some friends there and it was fun and good to meet with other volunteers in this part of the world.

Since coming back, I'll be honest, I've been feeling a little bit lost for direction some days. I have a lot of relationships to grow and friendships to form, and that's a little bit overwhelming at times. Although it has forced me to lean further on God and also, as I was so wisely advised recently, to REST in God.  Why do we (I) always try to do things on our (my) own first? Will we (I) ever learn? I hope so. I've found great comfort in the Psalms recently..for those who have read them, can you believe just how relevant they are? I'm constantly thinking to myself, "yes, that's completely what I'm feeling", and I'm grateful for the reminder that I'm not the only person to have ever felt overwhelmed or a little bit lost, and that God just wants to embrace me and remind me that He has a plan, and He is in control. Oh the comfort of God :) how incredible.

This past weekend I've been encouraged alot and I'll update more on that soon. For now though, I ask that you would pray with me as I seek to do my best, and as I strive to share the love of Jesus with my community.

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Kampi Veror Për Familjarë

Last week was the annual Family Summer camp which was held in Pogradec, Albania. And WOW, what a week it was. God was very much in the midst of our time together and His power was evident for all to see. My role at the camp was, with the help of Megan (short term summer volunteer from Belfast Bible College), to work alongside Joe and Cara (short term volunteers in Albania) and create a program for the children. It was a lot of fun, games and crafts and the kids were a real joy and blessing for us. It was also wonderful to meet with fellow volunteers and to get to know Joe and Cara. The speaker for the week was Daniel Psaute, who was joined by his wonderful wife, Marlene, and together we celebrated their wedding, Albanian style. The Sunberg family were also there to help lead some of the groups and do morning devotions, and their presence was greatly appreciated by all.

One story of great inspiration which stood out from the week was that of a young boy, of only 11years or so, who received two great gifts throughout the camp week. He was blind for many years, and after being prayed over he began to gain his sight back... he could see light and colours at first and continued to improve. Wooow, what a miracle and a blessing for that child. God is good. The second gift he received was that of eternal life. That's right, he accepted Jesus and has joined the family of Christ. Amazing. He was one of six people who accepted Jesus, and one of twenty-one who got baptised.

It was a week filled with the Holy Sprirt, and I enjoyed being able to spend so much time with believers from both churches in Kosova and the churches in Albania. Fellowship is really important, and I think we sometimes (myself included) forget the importance of that element of being a family. So for me, family camp was just what I needed for that reminder.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Time for change...

Nine months ago I upped and moved my life across Europe to live in Kosova, the country that I now call home. I moved to Prishtina, the capital city, and established friendships, routine, a place that felt like home, ministries and a solid church fellowship. Sounds great, right? Well, God had other plans for me, and one month ago I moved again. Yes, that's right. Moved. To the very beautiful Suhareka. Different area. Different home. Different people. Different ministries. Different fellowship. Same God :)

                                                                  This is my street :)
                                                            Hello Suhareka. Hello home.

I feel contented and at peace with this move because I have no doubt that this is where God wants me to be. I had been praying for several months about where specifically in Kosova God wanted me to be serving, and this was prompted by the previous missionaries (John&Katie Witmer)'s news that they would be returning home to America as Katie was pregnant. Truthfully I felt pressured to move as I (admittedly in lacking to trust God) couldn't see a solution other than this to continue the work of the Church in the Suhareka area. And each time I prayed about it God clearly answered my questions with the same answer of "stay where you are. I'm in control". Then two months ago, while talking with Glenn about it, I finally realised that the pressure was coming from myself and that I had to hand it over to God to figure out. And it was only after that when I was praying about the Church in Suhareka that God said "Now you should go. Now is my timing. Now it's time for change". And so here I am. Trusting, and learning to rest in God.

Life here is different. There is a lot less English and a lot more culture to face but who doesn't love a good challenge, right?

Please continue to pray for me as I establish myself in this place. I feel blessed all the while that I get to serve here, and that my God is great, and that I face no challenge alone.

Kosovo Project Camp

At the beginning of June a crazy group of Americans turned up in Kosova for the annual Camp held by Kosovo Project, and this year I joined in. Over the course of three weeks the young people, mostly in their teens, went all out for Jesus and actively loved and befriended the Kosovars participating in camp. It was busy and fun and eye-opening, and I felt continually inspired by the courage and boldness of the American team. We had a lot of fun and I've made friendships that I know will be lasting, and I even learned how to throw and catch a frisbee (well sadly, this statement is only true if you use the word 'catch' loosely). All in all an impact was made, and wether we see the product of that instantly or in years to come, the love of Jesus was shown and hearts were touched. Pray for those who were on the team that as they returned to their daily lives that they would continue to be so on fire for God, and hopefully, return to camp next year. Also pray for the students who attended the camp, that the small number of us who remain in Suhareka would be able to effectively follow up on the work that was done.

Wednesday, 4 April 2012


No, you are not mistaken...it has in fact been almost five months since I've posted. I'd like to blame it on not having internet at home, but that problem was resolved two months ago, so I am excuse-less. The problem now is that so much has happenend I couldn't possibly fit it into one blog post without overwhelming you all, or potentially causing the entire website to crash with an overload of information. So I have come up with a plan... and that plan is to summarise.greatly summarise. Let's see how it goes...

I had an amazing Christmas. My first away from my family but that wasn't as difficult as I'd thought it would be, largely due to the sense of being a family unit and not just a church here. I also cooked a Turkey for the first time..and successfully at that might I add, despite cooking it upside down because I just simply had no idea which way is up on a raw Turkey. but it turned out well and there were no bouts of food poisoning... to my knowledge.

Then came the new year, which I brought in with Pastor Imir, Janette and Gabriel (sharing our first of many new years together, I hope). Word to the wise if you ever find yourself in Kosova over New Year: Full body protection will probably be neccessary if you plan on roaming the streets around midnight. Thanks to the lack of health&saftey regulations the sky looked like it had been tie-dyed with the fireworks...which were being shot off peoples balconies. Yes, from their balconies. What a crazy bunch of people...although I guess that means I'm crazy too since I'm living in the midst of them :)

Then on the 16th of January, on my three month anniversary of moving to Kosova, something really great happened. Lois Shields stepped off a plane.into Prishtina airport.to come be my roomie for a little while.And with her she brought copious amounts of snow...snow blizzards, snow storms, feet upon feet of snow. Freezing, fluffy, fun snow. I loved it...for the first three weeks..then I just really wanted to be able to walk down the street without being at risk of freezing or falling. But for the most part it was wonderful.

Then it cleared and we got back to normality. Sarah and I were able to get into a real swing of things with our English courses again and the church felt more vibrant and alive. The spring has been a real joy so far, and I've even broken out my flip-flops on several occassions (despite being looked at like I'm a crazy woman for it...they don't realise it but March here is like the hottest summer for N.I...mkaes me nervous for the hot summer months though.eeek!)

So, now comes my favourite part of sharing for my blog. Prayer requests...
- relationship building with our English students. they're such wonderful people.
- monthly women's meetings. we want this to be a real opportunity for outreach.
- Lois's work with the autism centre.
- all of the missionaries in the church. that a renewed energy will come with the spring time.
- for Pastor Imir&Selim, and for their wives and children.
- all ministries.
- new ministries.
- revival.

So as Easter week is upon us and we come to celebrate the incomprehensible love, death&life of Jesus let us all be willing to walk in boldness and shine for Jesus. He died for us, let us not be ashamed to live for Him.
 Mountain-esque pile of snow which we waded through, just to get out of the house.
 There's nothing quite like a power-cut in the middle of winter, when your heating is electric. Looks pretty though :)
 Due to the weather we had to cancel a lot of our classes :(
 Some traditional food which you eat with your hands while sitting on the floor. This picture cannot portray just how incredible it tasted.

Enjoying the fresh air and shinning sun :) some quality time with Janette and Gabriel.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Just a passing thought...

I’d been finding it considerably harder than I did last year to adjusting and finding my ‘place’ in this country, community and church. Initially I thought it was because last year I had an end in sight – a time when I knew I had to return to Northern Ireland, and I knew exactly why I was returning and what my future held. But I have realised now that it was more than that… I’d been trying to compare Kosova to Northern Ireland, and I was trying to find the Northern Irish equivalent to everything I did and everywhere I went that was Kosovar. It finally dawned on me though, that I didn’t fall in love with Kosova because it was comparable to Northern Ireland... I fell in love with Kosova because it was, and still is, like nowhere else in the world for me. On an almost daily basis I find myself presented with the chance to say, “only in Kosova...” I love being here for the things that make it unique, and realising that has made my transition feel a lot smoother, and has made Kosova feel a lot more like the home I had remembered.

Psalm 29 v 11, “The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace.”

Monday, 7 November 2011

God is not a man sitting on a cloud..

Strange as the title of this post may be, it's something that I have found myself re-discovering and rejoicing in this past week. For those of you who have heard of Gungor, formerly the Michael Gungor Band, you might recognise those words, taken from one of their songs...the song which has made it's way to my most played list this week.

The words of it have been an encouragement for me. I am so very thankful that God is not a man, but He is good, and just, and strong, and bigger than the problems I have encountered and will encounter in the weeks.. months.. years that lie ahead. Amazing, right?

So, I had planned on blogging weekly, but that doesn't seem to be working out too well so far. But I do have great news... I HAVE MY OWN APARTMENT! Major blessing. The wonderful Selim and Edona sorted most everything out for me, all I had to do was turn up to sign the lease..and better yet, I'll be living in the same building as them (major major blessing).. and even better yet, it's less than a minute away from the church. I haven't timed it but I think it's about 47seconds away. Major major major blessing. God is so good.

I also finally made it to Suhareka to spend time with the people and the church there. We had a great time of prayer and fellowship on Friday night at the Witmer's, and I would ask that (if you are prayerfully inclined) you would remember the church there in prayer, that God would guide them, bless them, and raise up great leaders. Tomorrow Pastor Imir and his wife, Janette, will arrive back in Kosova after 4(ish) months away in America. Pray for travelling mercies for them as they return with their new born baby, Gabriel, as he comes home for the first time. It will be amazing to have them back, as they have been greatly missed here. We also have District Assembly on Friday and Saturday in Albania.. it should be a wonderful time as believers across the district come together... prayer for this would also be appreciated.

Prayer requests:
- Suhareka Church
- Imir, Janette and Gabriel's arrival
- District Assembly
- Unity within both Suhareka and Prishtina Church
- Shtime, an area of Kosova with no known Christian influence/organisation

Philippians 4 v 13 'I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.'

God is good :)